Job interview coming up? Don’t be nervous! Just follow these guidelines below, and you’ll be on your way to acing that interview.
*Drive to the business beforehand so you know exactly where it is and what the traffic situation might be.
*Know as much as you possibly can about the specific job you are interviewing for. The more you know, the more confident you will feel when asked questions or when asked what questions you have.
*Practice answering questions out loud beforehand. If you have a friend who you can role play with, all the better.
*Dress well and err on the side of dressing up and being more traditional.
*Get to the interview at least 15 minutes early and if something happens and you are running late, definitely call and let them know.
*Don’t chew gum during the interview.
*Greet the receptionist warmly—this is the first impression you are making with the business.
*If you fill out a written application, make sure you write neatly and are grammatically correct.
*Turn your cell phone off before the interview.
*Be positive. Don’t speak negatively about previous employers.
*Do speak about your achievements and why you feel you would be an asset to the company.
*As soon as the interview is over, write a thank you note. In today’s age of technology, a handwritten note shows you went out of your way to thank them for their time.